Does your job suck? Find one that doesn't. That's the motto of the on line IT job finder, Their game certainly does not suck.
It's the classic "your boss sucks" game where you get to take out your aggression following a bosses cocky, buzz-word laden tirade, all video-tised. After you've selected your target on an office map, you can take out your aggression by picking out of 3 instruments or weapons, f.e. a pizza launcher, a jelly donut bazooka, etc. A bit childish, but I think that every IT'er (especially the male species) are 'in' for this kind of fun.
Unfortunately, you can not handle the trigger of the weapons yourself. You just have to watch "your boss" being aimed at with pizza slices or donuts. Poor actors !
Two screen shots :
Download homepage_dice_game.jpg
Download another_page_dice_game.jpg
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Posted by: unliliext | December 10, 2011 at 09:43 AM