To promote their e-postcard service, called Wishou, a service that delivers e-cards via snail mail, TGP Post has come up with a concept that reminds me of the "Zet 'm op 4 campaign (launch of the VT4 TV-channel in Belgium)" or some typical bumper sticker campaigns. You know, in order to win a prize, you have to stick a campaign sticker on your car window or bumper, or display a campaign poster on your house window.
In this case, participants will have to put a TGP Post Avatar into their Messenger window. A man, called Dazzling Dave, driving around around the country in a Renault Clio, (btw, the main prize), will ring your door bell and check if you did put up the Avatar in your MSN chat client.
In "Nationale Postcodeloterij" style, the winners and the surprise attack of Dazzling Dave, will be taped and the result will be shown on the campaign site.
Obviously, TGP Post struck a deal with Renault (participation form mentions an opt-in for Renault only) and with MSN (a lot of visibility on the campaign site for Messenger). And, last but not least, partipicants will receive (after having downloaded the avatar) a free trial of TGP's Wishou service.
Everybody wins. Nice work! Not sure which categorie to pick, I categorized this concept under 'Branded Entertainment' because it - sort of - is. To some extent, if you think about it.
Source :
A homepage grab here.
Another screenshot here.
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